Friday, July 06, 2007

Pills Instead of Pot

Because pills are easier to get in most American and Canadian communities than pot, our teenage population has turned to them as the drug of choice. Due to the government's misinformation campaign, many kids believe that prescription drugs are safer than marijuana. I wouldn't necessarily call pills "the new marijuana", especially since pills are addictive, they're easier to overdose on, they can cause serious and irreversible liver and kidney damage, and have a litany of side effects depending on the drug.

I think the more important question is this: why are our kids feeling the need to heavily medicate themselves? Why are we so heavily medicated as a society? If kids are abusing these drugs in record numbers, doesn't it stand to reason that adults are doing so as well (which probably contributes quite a bit to our health care crisis)? Is it possible that one of the reasons Americans aren't getting angry about what's happening to them is that they're taking Xanex, Valium, pain killers, and anti-depressants? It's hard to feel anything when you're that doped up.

Is there a pill for this?
3,593 US Soldiers killed in Iraq
26,558 US Soldiers wounded in Iraq


Godwhacker said...

It seems there is a drug for everything these day. If you don't have a problem, I'm sure big-pharma will make one up for you.

Laura said...

There are certain things that "better living through chemistry" can help. Some drugs really do help us. Even the psychological drugs can be beneficial - with follow up therapy, not just as a band aid.

If all a kid need do to get high is crush up his Ritalin or swipe a couple Hydrocodone from mom's medicine cabinet, then sure, why not? It's not only easier than getting pot - it's cheaper.

Our drug policies really need complete revision.

United We Lay said...

I have no problem with "better living through chemistry" if you actually need the drugs. For example, to get ant-depressants, your doctor should have to do a brain scan to prove that you have low levels of seratonin and actually NEED the drug. An if marijuana were legal, a lot fewer people would be taking chemicals for pain.

Flimsy Sanity said...

There are no tests for brain chemical levels and even the literature with psychotropic drugs use lots of weasel words like "it is thought" and "may be caused by", etc. Teens are irrational, peer-influenced things that are just unstable. It used to be sniffing glue or huffing paint, and alcohol abuse has always been a problem. I am surprised that they are after psych drugs as most don't make you happy but only dull.

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Kids will always take drugs, as will adults, its not a reflextion on society just on the person using the drug.

Psychomikeo said...

Free the WEED!!!

Life As I Know It Now said...

it's true that when people take pills for depression or whatever that they become dull and lifeless. i've had several friends, through work or in the neighborhood, who went to the doctor complaining about stress or unable to sleep well, or feeling blue and they come back with a prescription that leads to zombieville. what a crock! they don't talk much or get excited about anything and the government could go straight to hell for all they would care.

as for teenagers, some (maybe most who knows) will try drugs and alcohol because they are risk takers and they are determined to find out things on their own. the problems that result are from bad luck, bad decisions and from the addictive nature of our society. we are disconnected from nature and use addictions to reconnect or to destress.
well that's my 2cents.

United We Lay said...

Then prescribe and require an evaluation by a psychologist before allowing anyone to take psychotropic drugs, and NEVER to anyone under 18. Many imalances in young people can be controlled by choosing foods carefully for vitamins, minerals, etc... Food Cures is a great book about this, but there are others that go into it much more.

Decriminalization and medical uses should be the first priority when it comes to marijuana. Getting the government to legalize it will be a long battle, but if the people who need it are able to use it, that would be a start.

Laura said...

"your doctor should have to do a brain scan to prove that you have low levels of seratonin and actually NEED the drug."

Problem with that is that a lot of drugs have helpful side effects that make them good for other uses (and are approved for those other uses). I was taking prozac for a while for anxiety and seasonal depression. I wouldn't have shown low levels of serotonin.

I do think that this nonsense of psychoactive drugs being provided by GPs has to stop though. Those should only be provided through a psychaitrist and the prescription should only last as long as the patient continues some other form of therapy for the problem. However, insurance doesn't cover psychotherapy. So we're left with GPs prescribing drugs without the appropriate other therapies that are meant to accompany them.

Donna said...

To follow Laura's comment, the GPs are so pressed for time thanks to having to shovel through a bazillion patients per day that I honestly think they just hear buzzwords and flip the patient the "appropriate" med as a response. It's really a tragic commentary on the doctor-patient relationship these days, or lack thereof.

United We Lay said...

Thanks for visiting. I hope it hasn't been too long since you wrote. I had a bit of a troll problem. For many of the drugs we are prescibed, there is a natural alternative that works just as well. I've been using natural sleeping pills off and on. No addiction, no grogginess. Just sleep.

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah shut the FUCK up you annoying parents that are SO fucking PARANOID, oh my god, my kid smoked an HERB that made him feel funny. LETS HAVE A HUGE COW and just, fucking stop. smoking pot isnt that bad unless your a hella druggy so shut the fuck up and stop making such a huge fucking deal about it. fuck.