Wednesday, August 03, 2005

On Jon Stewart

I heard an interesting thing on Jon Stewart this weekend. Joe Biden said that he would have liked to see John McCain run with John Kerry in the 2004 Presidential election. Wouldn't it be wonderful to see a Republican and Democrat running together? It would prove once and for all that the Democrats are not all that far left of the Republicans and we need a third party to really stand up and speak for the people. I have found the position of the Democrats to be weak, and even Howard Dean can't pull it out of it's rut. Dennis Kusinich was closest to what being a Democrat used to mean, and unfortunately, no one paid attention to Ralph Nader. I know he couldn't have won, but don't people realize that if a third party candidate receives five percent of the vote, during the next election that party must receive access to federal campaign funds , lending those candidates visibility and a higher percentage of the overall vote, thereby restoring democracy to the two party system. I guess I'm thinking a little randomly this evening, but at least I'm looking toward a solution rather than focusing on the problem.


GodlessMom said...

Biden dropped a couple of cryptic comments on The Daily Show yesterday regarding a Biden/McCain ticket. I think they would make a good pair. Don't know exactly how the campaign financing would work though.

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

A solution would be wonderful, but given the political climate and the direction this country is heading, do you really think this is possible?

I agree. We need to start thinking outside the box. What exists inside is becoming beyond belief.

Have a great day, PC>

The Zombieslayer said...

I voted for Nader in '96 and '00. I saw him speak in Santa Barbara in 2000. The media lied. They keep saying he can't speak. Huh? He's a hell of a speaker, much better than Bush or Kerry. If he debated either of them, he would have torn them to shreds.

I heard him debate Dean awhile back and he kept his cool much better than Dean.

I have utmost respect for Nader. His safety features saved my face (a bad car wreck). Not only that, it was because of Nader we got the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the EPA, and the Freedom of Information Act. Nixon just signed those bills but it was Nader who pushed gov't to get them through. Actually, with the FOIA, I'm not sure which President signed that. But I know Nixon signed the others.

Tyson said...

well, if there is an election where i don't care who will win, i promise to vote green for the reason you gave.

also, on a totally unrelated note: you need to stop including empty "return" spaces after your posts, because it messes up your site. for example ...

see those extra spaces? that's what happens when you forget to delete them before you publish a post.

United We Lay said...

I don't push return. It's it's just the way it's been. I've complained to blogger about it. Thanks for the suggestion, though.

I think mixing tickets is a good way to shake up the system. Nader is an excellent candidate, but at his point, he's been so discredited that I don't think he'll ever get elected. We need to do something, and we need to start advocating for it now. Maybe we should start a "Mix the Ticket" campaign!