Monday, August 08, 2005

Bush Is Boned!

I think I probably have a healthy distrust for my government. Part of my distrust comes from the number of members within our government, both Republican and Democrat, of the secret society known as Skull and Bones. This may be one of the strongest brotherhoods our country has ever seen. The Masons are also in question, but that's for another post. I don't want to engage in conspiracy theories concerning these organizations, but I do wonder about their success. What is it that has made them so successful, and how can we build our own organizations and mimic their success? I think this is one situation in which we need to fight fire with fire. I have linked this post with information on Skull and Bones. I think we need to discuss this organization and the motivation of its members. Are they only looking out for each other? Why was the organization formed in the first place? What do we know about its members and their philosophies? Are these the kind of people we want running our country?


BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

My mind must be truly wharped when it is not on the verge of thinking...

When I saw the words, Bush is Boned, I was delighted in thinking that he got caught!!!

GodlessMom said...

I agree, this sort of thing is a whole other level of weird. There is definite cronyism among the group and it can't be denied that there are a lot of powerful people out there who belong to the society.

Are they part of a group bent on world domination? Perhaps. Are they rich white guys with delusions of grandeur and a juvenille fascination with sexual potency who for some reason feel better about themselves when they sit with the cool kids at lunch time? Definitely.

United We Lay said...

It's just a thought. I think it's wrong to hire fraternity brothers, as well, if you haven't given a fair chance to others. I don't necessarily believe all the hype about the society, but I do think that when dealing with government, full disclosure of your alliances is important.

I wish Bush had gotten caught. If I could have one wish...

Saur♥Kraut said...

I agree. But I despise all exclusionary groups, like fraternities and sororities, too. So, I may be an extremist. But should a leader of a nation, who is supposed to represent all people, be allowed to have a background that was based on exclusivity? I think that's a real problem.

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Yes. He should represent all people. Now the real question is whether there is a perception that he does, or in reality he does or does not?

I still find it difficult to believe that he was re-elected. But somethings are harder to let go of than others.

Have a good day.

United We Lay said...

I also think the motivation of this group needs to be called into question? Is he (and other members) looking out for the people or are they futhering the success of the people involved in thei organization?