Friday, March 23, 2007

Prostitution for the Pill

The price of birth control pills doubled, and sometimes tripled overnight. For women in college, with children, or already working 2 jobs to cover costs, this is quite a shock. So my suggestion is that they make the men they are having sex with pay for birth control. It's only fair. why should women have to cover 100% of the cost when they're only having 50% of the fun. Usually less, but that's besides the point.

Really, women should be charging for sex every time they get into bed. They're bearing the financial burden of any outcome, anyway. There are millions of dollars of unpaid child support floating around out there. How many men who plead with their inconveniently pregnant girlfriends to have an abortion actually pay for half of it? Often if a man chooses to walk away from his responsibilities there are only repercussions if the mother of his children can find him AND afford a lawyer. Happily married women should charge their husbands and donate the money to shelters for abused women. Since money is what truly rules this country, the only way for women to ever be equal is to make men financially responsible for their reproductive rights.

3,233 US Soldiers killed in Iraq
24,187 US Soldeirs wounded in Iraq


Cranky Yankee said...

Yikes! This should be good... I disagree. If she can't afford the outcome maybe she shouldn't take the risk. Let's face it.

Even in the best of circumstance where the man does intend and plan on taking care of the situation financially accidents happen and the woman could still end up holding the proverbial bag. Car crash kills the man. He has no money or insurance... etc...

That's why every boy from 15 on should carry a Jimmy Hat in his wallet and know how to use it. Never count on a woman to handle something that could have such an enormous impact on your life.

Or, If he can't afford the outcome maybe he shouldn't take the risk.

United We Lay said...

I knew one of you guys would come back with this, so I had a response prepared. Why should only women be responsible for the outcome of something that takes 2? Does a man not have sex if he doesn't want a child to come from it?

Cranky Yankee said...

I never said that. What I'm saying is that it is irresponsible to not plan for the worst case scenario man or woman.

Read my comment again.

Anonymous said...

You sound like those financial guru types that say we need to return to the "gold standard". Something to do with the government can easily print all the paper it wants, but cannot manufacture the yellow metal.

The same benefits would result from a return to the even older "poontang standard".

Three Score and Ten or more said...

Would you have the ladies give receipts? (I'm sorry, it just popped out)

United We Lay said...

I understand what you said, but you also said that a woman shouldn't have sex if she can't afford the outcome. If that were sugested to men they would laugh in your face.

Three Score,
LOL. Don't apologize, this post was partly serious, mostly tongue-in-cheek, so I'm glad it got a similiar response. Receipts wouldn't be a bad idea. Men could prove that they've helped pay for contraceptives, and in the case of married me, it could be a tax write-off if the money's given to a shelter.

Cranky Yankee said...

UWL - My last sentence says, Or, If he can't afford the outcome maybe he shouldn't take the risk.

Now you can laugh in my face.

Quite frankly, I think men pay dearly for sex even in the absence of reproductive issues.

United We Lay said...

For some reason I kept reading both of them as she. That's got ot be some kind of freaudian thing. Or maybe it's a lack-of-sleep thing. Sorry about that!

Cranky Yankee said...

That's all right, my wife has been out of town for 6 days and taking care of the 3 kids by myself and juggling work has me a little tired and extra cranky...

On the plus side...the littlest is just about out of diapers. This is a huge deal. I know it's not the case, but I feel like I have been changing diapers for the last 12 years... ha ha

AQ said...

If you want the man to be 50% responsible, I say that he should be able to have a "legal" abortion, even if the woman doesn't want to have the medical one.

I don't condone abortion. BUT..... Let's say conversations regarding sex and consequences bring man and woman to agreement on sharing contraceptive costs and responsibilities. They are paying for and using barrier methods equally, and decide if she is to get pregnant, she will have an abortion, he will pay financially, since she will pay physically (and mentally, in my opinion, but that's another post).

She gets pregnant and changes her mind about the abortion. Now he's on the hook for child support for 18+ years.

I think he should be able to abort. She wants to keep the baby, fine, he can legally "abort."

I keep telling my teenage son to remember: the only decision he will get to make is to have sex or not. If any consequences should arise due to faulty (or non-use of) birth control, he has no say. SHE will decide his future.

Anonymous said...

your best post ever by far. And i agree with all the comments too!
excellent post

United We Lay said...

I agree with you. I don't know how that would work, but I imagine that he would have to prove that he hadn't been trying to get her pregnant and he had taken all necessary precautions. The problem is that birth control is not 100% effective and accidents happen. I know that legally that argument has held up in court. In those cases the men are required to sign away their parental rights and may have no further contact with the child.

Laura said...

I know this is partly tongue in cheek, but let's not forget the many poor women who cannot afford the pill anymore AND who are in relationships where they cannot force a man to wear a condom. There are a lot of men out there who simply refuse. At least if she's taking the pill she's protected against pregnancy.

It's easy to say "just get out" of the relationship, but the reality of those situations are far more complicated than that.

Also of note: Now that they're safe again, more women IMHO should look into IUDs. They're more expensive up-front, but are good for 5 or 10 years, depending on what kind you get, have minimal side effects, and are very, very effective. I've got one and I'd never go back to the pill ever again.

Women need to be more pro-active about their options.

United We Lay said...

It should also be noted that the long term effects of any hormone terapy suc as birth control has not been studied, and it is possible that hormone therapy is one of the causes of breast cancer.