Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I'm a Geek, and Proud of It!

America's high school students are starting to realize that life is not about what you wear and what you watch, but what you do. The nerds are starting to realize that they are not alone. Finally, the band geeks, the science nerds, the orchestra dorks, and other academically inclined groups are banding together in recognition of the fact that they like school, they enjoy learning, and they are proud of it! It's a great trend and I hope it continues. I see a lot of Americans placing importance on things that matter little in the general scheme of things. Far too little focus is placed on excellence in academic areas, art, and music. In fact, as we are seeing, children have been ostracized for being interested in those things. If we want to change the way we look at education, we need to change the way we treat the people who are interested in learning.


Saur♥Kraut said...

I agree completely. I surely hope that education and intellect will again be considered to be more important than how low your jeans can go.

Anonymous said...

As long as we keep dodgeball in gym so that we nerds can still have good stories to tell our friends and family when we get older.

josh said...

I agree with you. I also certainly hope that trend continues, and becomes more than a trend.

By the way, what happened to your revisionist blog? I found your posts to be very interesting, and I am fascinated by the idea that perhaps the past is taught by those who win. Do you plan to pick it up again?

The Math Ninja said...

here here...good point indeed.

tshsmom said...

Our son and his friends AND our Canadian step-grandson have all been outspoken members of this movement for the last couple of years.
We're VERY PROUD of our "Science Nerds" and "Computer Geeks"

United We Lay said...

I plan to pick up revisionism again once I finish job hunting and moving. At the moment I have too much on my plate.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Hot Geeks: Hmm. Outside of Jeff Goldblum I'm having trouble here. Actors who only wear pocket protectors and glasses to play the part don't count.

I know some, but can't think of any celebs that I could point to.

OK, I know I can think of another one...Nope. Nevermind.

United We Lay said...

George Lucas, Steve Speilberg, Steven Hawking before the wheelechair

The Zombieslayer said...

PC - This is by no means a recent phenomena. Richard Hofstedder (sp?) wrote the book Anti-Intellectualism in American Life back in the 50s. People have always hated the smartest. And it's not confined to American by any means. Pol Pot killed off the educated in Cambodia. If you wore glasses, dead. If you went to college for a week, dead. I'm sure we can think of my instances where anti-intellectualism has been taken to an extreme like that.

United We Lay said...

I'm afraid ani-intellectualism is coming back.

Dave said...

The only 2 classes I've required my kids to take each year have been chorus and band. There is nothing better than a family horn session with a few vocals thrown in.

I truly hope you had a full recovery. I've been there.

United We Lay said...

Gator, Thanks! My sister and I are both doing physically well at this point. Emotions are a different story. Good for you on he music! I want my house to be filled with music and languages. We both love music, and between us we speak French, German, Spanish, English, Sign Language, and some Italian.