Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Truth, Justice, and...

Superman Returns seems to have gone slightly political. Many people see Superman's slogan change as minor, but I think it represents a larger world view, one that cannot be ignored. It is difficult for Superman to fight for truth in a world where its definition is hazy. We watch news conferences filled with spin and "reality" shows that do absolutely nothing to mimic real life (mostly because that would be incredibly boring). When our soldiers are fighting a war for lies and no one is held accountable, there is no justice.

And what exactly is the American Way? It seems to have more to do with the work of Haliburton than with the work of Green Peace. It is consumerism (oil, and our disposable, planned obsolescence society), greed (Haliburton), superficiality (just watch Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, Extra, etc...), colossal errors in judgment (Bush), and abandonment (the poor, the education system, those in need of health care, Social Security, immigration...). We have run this nation so far into the ground that even Superman doesn't want to be associated with us. Even my father, generally the winner of "Staunch Republican of the Year", thinks we have a better shot at raising a family and doing well for ourselves in Europe or Canada.

2,543 US soldiers killed in Iraq
18,874 US soldiers wounded in Iraq
Accurate count of Iraqis killed: Unavailable


Anonymous said...

We agree on superficiality. I would contend if bush lied they all did but I guess no one here will see the truth there. I am with you though on not knowing what we satnd for.

Cranky Yankee said...

They all lied. This entire administration is based on lies.

Anonymous said...

Amen. There isn't one congressman, senator or anyone else who didnt lie. They all did. Reps. Dems. Inds. I'm tickled you finally agree with me. But then how could you not?? I mean after seeing them talk they all lied if one of them did!

Cranky Yankee said...

Actually the members of congress to whom your refer, Dem, Ind, Rep, made the mistake of believing the Intelligence your scumbag of a president sent them. Remember all intelligence that congress sees comes from the Executive Branch and this branch plucked "slam dunk" bogus intel that support their illegal and immoral ends.

They were all wrong for authorizing use of force based on shaky and incorrect intelligence that claimed that Iraq was a threat to America, cooperated with the 911 attackers or had any means to attack us which posed a gathering or growing threat. It was all hype and bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess that could be the case. And he is my president y'all voted him in twice. I agree that either he completely out manuvered the dems again, outsmarted them really or either all of them collectively believed the lying assed French, bunch of liars and cowards, the damndable russians, how could we believe anyone who ever thought communism would work, the germans and all the rest of the world. So again it appears we are agreement. Outsmarted or led astray by the world. I can't figure how it is that some people say he is an idiot and stupid and all those things and yet he beats them twice. Funny really now that I think about it.

Cranky Yankee said...

I didn't understand that last post.
It is somewhat incoherent.

The only consensus was that Saddam had failed to adequately account for some of the weapons that were part of his 1991 stockpiles and that there may be an effort to conceal them. Everyone assumed that there were weapons that were hidden, not accounted for or documented as destroyed. The difference, hence the deceit, is the degree to which they constituted a threat.

The nuclear claims made by Cheney that he could have a nuclear weapon within six months was never considered true, verifiable or "believed" by anyone outside of this administration. They received warnings from a very friendly Italian government that their whole case was built on forgeries.

We also know as fact is that France, Germany and Russia strongly opposed military action. Can you really make the case that France, Germany and Russia thought that Iraq could launch an imminent WMD attack on them but decided opposing the U.S. was more vital than their own security. Be real. How could Saddam be a threat to the U.S. and not Europe? If Iraq did attack the U.S., the nations of Europe would be quickly involved. Iraq could not pose an imminent threat to the U.S. without also posing an imminent threat to Europe. Yet, these nations did not consider that going to war was appropriate.

Oh yeah, and they were right and we were wrong

"He outsmarted them..."

This is a prevarication. It fails to mention the fact the Intel that the Senate saw came from the White House. Democrats, congress in general, after 9/11, were getting their intelligence filtered through the White House, the CIA and military officials working for the administration. They did not get everything that the president got. And even at that, they did not believe that Hussein was the threat Bush made him out to be. So yes, the Democrats who voted to give the power to use force to hasten disclosure and respond to threats from Iraq, saw the same Intel the President saw, but they did not do their own investigation. It's not as if Congress and the White House investigated independently and came to the same conclusion.

You seem to forget that shrubco went to Congress, all the while saying he didn't need to, asking for use of force authority as a way to get Saddam to disarm sooner.

Don't forget only 29 out of 50 Democratic Senators and 81 out of 207 Democratic House members voted for the resolutions authorizing military action. So if you are trying to imply that "all" or even "most" Democrats agreed with shrubco you are way off. I agree that most that voted with the republicans did so to look tough in the climate of fear election that was running rampant in October 2002 when these votes were taken. I would be willing to bet that a large percentage of these were up for reelection in November 2002. Do you think it is any accident that the White House requested this authority when he did?

In closing, your case is mainly based on conjecture, false assumptions and logical incongruities. That facts of the actual events are in direct refutation of your claims and you offer no supporting evidence to illuminate or elucidate your position.

Most of this post was copied from a comment I made on BOPD in an eerily similar discussion

United We Lay said...

I hate that argument. It's a republican cop out. It's difficult to tell the truth when you don't know what it is. Of course they all lied, because the original information they were given was a lie. How were they to know? They trusted their President just like you do. The only difference is that they only made that mistake once.

I never voted for him once, and neither did the majority. The first election was rigged, the second was an electronic mishap. I think the voting system is so corrupt that we'll never know what actually happened. But anyway, back to the original "What is the American Way"?

Laura said...

Sure, all politicians lie about some things. But the president and his administration are accountable for the events resulting from their lies. If they knowingly gave 'selected' intelligence to congress, then the buck stops with them. Period.

The American Way: "Gimme that it's mine. Whoever ends up with the most toys wins"

josh said...

Good post UWL,

If I may insert my opinion and thoughts in terms of what we stand for, at least in terms of foreign policy and the "war on terror". (something I have begun to explore on my own blog)

I think it's difficult because of routine deception; (i.e. politicians deceiving the people and the people deceiving themselves). Many people seem to accept the romantic notion, and tell themselves, that we always do what is right for the cause of freedom and justice and "defeating evil". Governments, in my mind, clearly have other motives but do a good job of gaining support by appealing to American's fears, desire for safety, and love of material comfort and prosperity, as well as simply patriotism. Appealing to patriotic feeling helps to encourage popular support for waging war while serving to distract people from the underlying selfish motives of both the government and themselves.

Ultimately popular support comes down to self-interest. Politicians must know this and they exploit it.

Remember the sad truth spoken by Hermann Goering at the Nuremburg trials:

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

Tell me that is not exactly what is happening in our country now everyday to propel our militarism.

Ed said...

The American Way = I want this, I need that.

As much as I detest Bush, I don't know if 2008 is going to bring anybody better to the helm. I think we are already sliding down a slippery slope.

Cranky Yankee said...

The American Way courtesy of Black Flag







Cranky Yankee said...

js - as to your Russia comment, "the damndable russians, how could we believe anyone who ever thought communism would work"

You need to go back and study some history. Russia was Communist for about 5 minutes during nthe October Revolution. The USSR turned to a totalitarian dictatorship that called itself Socialist, but was far from it.

Communism is the purest form of Democracy. It has never existed on earth and will never exist until humans evolve past our all consuming greed.

Greed is evil and is the root of the American way...(Pulling my post back on topis)

Question for JS, were you home schooled?

Anonymous said...

Well I might not know what Russia was and for how many minutes but I'm positive that they gave up their government and we did not. They lost. Just like the Dems, twice in pres elections and since 92 in all others. I'm sure that Diebold cost russia their government and I'm positive that hanging chads cost them their socialist/communist government. All I know is that until the Dems make a plan and have a clue and act like they are part of a republic they will never have power. I mean the Dems can't even claim JFK, his takes were modern republican takes. IDGAF who has an abortion, IDGAF who marrys who or who marrys what or who sleeps with who, what I do care about is why in the hell i pay so much in taxes. If the government can protect me from foreign nations and stay the hell out of my pocket i could care less what else happens. But the norm for the dems is to punish the workers like me and give to the sorry that wont work. If they will change that view I will vote for them.
CY, I guess it makes no difference what party voted for what, the facts and the actual results are that enough of the HOR and Senators voted for it. If the Dems were even a little bit in touch they might have actually been in any majority and could have stopped something. Right now the only thing they are the majority of is partial birth abortion. That does help them with 25% of the population.
U never voted for him once? And your p[roud of being a 2 time loser? hmmmmmm now I can easily figure out why you don't mind to lose.
It really disturbes me that anyone would quote Hermann Goering he was hitlers successor and a damn nazi. But then again I can see alot of those views in the modern democratic party, even though Hitlers boys weren't cowards.
surely you know how and where I was schooled, surely for the love of god and Darwin you know that I am so much against the failing shitty government schools because I was educated in one. I didn't get any degree above that. The only schooling I have ever had was at the hands of the good ole U.S. of A. I am the best they could do, not anly did I attend I excelled.


Cranky Yankee said...

js - you are an uniformed, poorly read, ignorant and selfish sheep.

Do a little research before you shoot your mouth off and sound so stupid. We are laughinbg at you.

Your grasp of history is staggeringly absent. Goering was not Hitler's successor. That is too stupid to be funny it is sad. Goering was the Chief of the German Air Force, you moron.

You don't even understand the basic concepts of how yuor country works.

The pride with which you display your ignorance and unwillingness to find the truth makes you the perfect republican.

Carlos Mencia said it best when he said "Dee Dee Dee."

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you laugh. That is something missing from the left. I have laughed for 6 years at the mindless dribble that the crazies on the left spew.
Hermann Wilhelm Göring (also Goering in English) (January 12, 1893 – October 15, 1946) was a German politician and military leader, a leading member of the Nazi Party, second in command of the Third Reich, and commander of the Luftwaffe. He was the son of Ernst Hermann Göring (October 31, 1839 – December 7, 1913) and Franziska Tiefenbrunn (died 1923).
Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe, President of the Reichstag, Prime Minister of Prussia and, as Hitler's designated successor, the second man in the Third Reich, Hermann Goering was born in Rosenheim on January 12, 1893.
Sad I tell you sad. This took exactly 18 seconds to look up copy and paste.
At least when I argue a point I don't piss and moan like a 4 year old girl nor do I attack personaly. But then I am above that, I guess that would make me moral another thing that the left hates.
Thanks for letting me bait you into defending idiocy.

Saur♥Kraut said...

I agree, which is such a shame. I wish it were different, but I don't deny it.

josh said...
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josh said...


I don't care to even address most of what you have said because it is comprised largely with gross sweeping generalizations (i.e. simple right-wing talking points against Dems).

As for my Hermann Goering quote, though, I quoted him to make an important point. Clearly, I do not agree with his views or his "party". I also don't identify myself as either on the "right" or the "left". The point of referencing that quote is that so many people in our country are using the exact strategy he was describing, whether they realize it or not, to justify all kinds of action in the "war on terror."
And the fact is, the ones who are doing this are generally those on the right, not the left. That is the point.

Simply because he was a Nazi, doesn't give you reason to insinuate personal criticism on me or throw out the important historical lessons which can be learned by learning about all people and countries and comparing and contrasting our own actions to historical precedent.

Balloon Pirate said...

What bothered me most about Superman Returns was its latent 'Christianity as Salvation' theme--right up to dying for our sins, and being reborn.

And this is coming from a man who prays to God every morning and night.

wow, it's cool that you still have a mouthbreather on this site, PC. I thought they had all crawled back into their holes.

I recognize the cry of 'he's my president!' and the chirping 'they all lied!' It's funny, though, that the Redstate Mouthbreather uses these cries right now, when they came into power sreaming for the impeachment of a president, and swearing on a stack of bibles that they were morally and ethically superior.

I guess that's why their plumage is so similar to that of the Christian Hippocrite.


Laura said...

JS: How, precisely, is the government supposed to protect you AND stay out of your pocket? I happen to think that an integral part of living in a society is ensuring that all your fellow citizens are taken care of. It always surprises me how many fiscal conservatives also claim to be christians and then throw off the burden of being their brothers' keeper. I believe in social programs. I believe the government has the duty to protect its citizens not just from foreign aggression, but from injustice, poverty, and domestic insecurity. That takes money. Plain and simple.

I happen to agree with you on one point - the Democratic party has to get a plan and get their asses in gear. The problem is that, unlike the modern republican party, there is no "base" and there are no solidifying issues. The Democratic party is far more diverse in demographics and in political ideology than the current Republican party.

Cranky Yankee said...

Yes I piss and moan. If you are not pissing and moaning you are not paying attention.

Unfortunately JS you didn't read the whole article. You found enough to support your incorrect assertion and ran with it.

If you had read the entire WIKI article on Göring you would have found this gem.

Near the end of the war, as the Red Army closed in around the German capital on April 23, 1945, Göring sent a telegram from Berchtesgaden to Berlin in which he proposed to assume leadership of the Reich as Hitler's designated successor. Hitler considered this disloyalty and high treason, especially because Göring mentioned a time limit after which he would consider Hitler incapacitated. Hitler had Göring placed under arrest by Bernhard Frank on April 25 and in his political testament Hitler dismissed Göring from all his sundry offices and expelled him from the party.

That took many years of college and decades of reading. Not the cut and paste part, the part about doing complete research.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry if I am not schooled. Remember I was a government schooled person. And a person that wasn't affluent enough to recieve any education further than junior college. My bad. Maybe had I gone to private school i'd have been smarter.
Mrs. Laura,
I also agree in social programs. I believe in putting the unemployed to work. Evidently there are jobs working americans won't do. Viola! there ya go go to work!!!!!!. And I have no problem with paying for protection, local or national, I'm all for it. I'm also for the interstate highway system which if my government schrewell education serves me is payed by the defense department. And the Dems wont win if their only plan is we hate bush.

Josh when folks don't address I assume they have no argument.

Surely for the love of Alla Saur didn't agree with me
ole js the life of the party

Cranky Yankee said...


If you had worked hard you could have sent yourself to college. You were just too lazy to work hard enough. You could have picked lettuce all day and gone to school at night. You are just too lazy to better yourself so you wallowing in your self-imposed ignorance.

I can tell you from personal experience the military has great educational benefits. It isn't so bad waking up at 5am to go to work and then get home at 10pm from school, do 2 hours of home work, sleep 5 hours and start over again. But the military is nothing more than a big social welfare system to you isn't it?

But I suppose in your Objectivist Socially Darwinistic way of thinking I prosper because there are so many guys like you who can't compete with me. I think I'm getting it now.

Personally I would prefer that you had gotten a great college education without undue financial burden because I believe when we lift up the lowest of our society we lift all of society.

United We Lay said...

That is an incredible insult. I am a government-schooled person and I have a Masters degree in education! I went to two excellent colleges and did extremely well because of the foundation a government school provided me. You're not uneducated because you went to public school. You're uneducated because you choose to be. Education doesn't end with high school. It's not like he's telling you that you CAN'T read, he's just pointing out that you don't. And that's not saying that you don't read anything, just that you don't read about opinions that differ from yours, like we do. You seem to have packed yourself into a nice little box, and nothing outside could mean anything to you because you can't see it. Look outside the box. Consider that you don't really know anything. I know I don't. I know what I think is right, but I'm willing to admit that the more I learn, the more I can form an educated opinion. If I flip-flop, that's okay. It means I've learned something I didn't know before. I think that most of our objection to your opinions is that you don't seem to have the ability to see past them. Maybe you're afraid to accept that if you read soemthing that makes an argument, you might change your opinion and it would make you look weak, or wishy-washy, but that's not true. It would make you look smart. Through this blog I have changed several of my opinions, but I've also kept some and strengthened some. The importance is in the willingness to listen rather than defend, to consider rather than convince. And it helps to check your facts. I've made mistakes that way once or twice.

josh said...


In hindsight, it was unnecessary and irrelevant for me to even make that statement to you, but in this case, I stated that I didn't wish to address most of what you had said not because of lack of argument, but simply because I did not feel it is worth my time to build an argument against most of the points you had made which I found to be offensive generalizations and arrogant insults;
(I.E. "Right now the only thing [the dems] are the majority of is partial birth abortion. That does help them with 25% of the population."
"U never voted for him once? And your p[roud of being a 2 time loser? hmmmmmm now I can easily figure out why you don't mind to lose.") ...not to mention your baseless suggestion that the modern democratic party views were similar to that of the Nazi party.

While we're on the topic, should I also assume you have no argument to the relevance of considering and examining that Hermann Goering quote since you chose to not address my points?

Cranky Yankee said...

js said - "U never voted for him once? And your p[roud of being a 2 time loser? hmmmmmm now I can easily figure out why you don't mind to lose."

I would rather lose with honor, standing on principle, than win otherwise.